Money and jobs

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There is no way to proceed in Summertime Saga without cash. Whether to buy goods or services from vendors or other characters, expenses are present in all routes. Fortunately, any alternatives exist for the main character to make pocket money through jobs.

The wallet is displayed in the upper part of the screen, next to the bank notes icon. Dollar ($) is the currency.

Cheat mode

See Getting started § Cheat mode for more information about this mode.

Enabling this option at the beginning of a new game allows the player to bypass the need to find a job. Indeed, the starting money is increased to $999,999, enough to buy all items and complete all routes. However, this option also affects the main character’s stats and the minigames, and is not meant to remain in the final version of the game.


In order to help players, each article about a route begins with the financial requirement. The costs range from a few dollars for a plush toy to several thousand for a vehicle or a house. Among the most expensive stories, is Jenny’s, money being the best way to bribe the housemate. Future charges are also planned but not yet implemented in Summertime Saga, including the money for the upcoming college semester.

Money can be deposited at the bank using ATM. Interest equal to 3% of the savings will then be paid every Monday, and a letter will be received in the main character’s mailbox.

Four achievements depend on the expenses or savings made during the game: Home Sweet Home and The GT500 request to purchase respectively the beachhouse and the sports car; Ready for college and Sound investment require respectively to max out the saving account to $25,000 and to earned over $50,000 in interest.


Many jobs are available in the game but they have to be unlocked beforehand. This can be done either by buying a specific item or by reaching a route step. The pay is often conditioned on how successful is the player in the minigame. To be noted that most of them advance the time of day, reducing daily profits.

Job Max income Shift time Condition(s)
Shooting minigame $400[1] Halfway in Roxxy’s route, when the trailer location is unlocked and Clyde is met.
Gardening minigame $120 Unlocked in the first steps of Diane’s route
Pizza delivery minigame $960[2] After unlocking Tony’s Pizza location either with the flyer found in the mailboxes, or at the start of Diane’s route. The delivery bike has to be bought.
Milking minigame $200[3] Diane’s route or Daisy’s route must have progressed enough.
Jenny’s camshow $200[3] Unlocked in the last steps of Jenny’s route

1. This reward can be doubled if Clyde makes the double or nothing offer to the main character.
2. The max amount can only be earned if the player chooses the sports car as delivery vehicle.
3. The max amount can only be earned if the character who is milked is pregnant.
4. The max amount can only be earned if the player chooses the last sex option.

Money is also a quest recompense, but these gains are very low and unique; therefore they are not referenced here.