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The template {{step}} formats an ordered list for the walkthrough.


{{step|step number=number of the step|step content=content of the numbered step}}


|step number= or |1= 
The number of the step.
|step content= or |2= 
The content labbeled by the step.


Markup Renders as
{{step|step number=1|step content=Content 1}}
{{step|step number=2|step content=Content 2}}
{{step|step number=3|step content=Content 3}}
  1. Content 1
  2. Content 2
  3. Content 3
{{step|1|Content 3}}
{{step|2|Content 4}}
{{step|3|Content 5}}
  1. Content 1
  2. Content 2
  3. Content 3


If you do not provide text, the template generates a parser error message, which will appear in red text in the rendered page.

If the value of the |step content= parameter contains an equals sign “=”, you must use a named parameter (e.g. |step content=“E=MC2, not a blank‐name positional parameter. The text before the equals sign gets misinterpreted as a named parameter otherwise. Be wary of URLs, which frequently contain this character. Named parameters are always safer, in this and other templates.