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Translation search tool

Welcome for this search tool tutorial, you will find at the end of it the most important searches you must check before leaving this page.
You will find the translation search tool here.
With this tool, you can find any string, word or sentence in any language. You can also track down mistakes of all sorts, very handy for some reviewers. We will learn together how to use it.


First, let's see the basics. How do we search ?

If you look for a word like "Wonder", just type the word in the search toolbar, press enter and a list of all strings containing this word (of the source AND the target) will appear. (source=English strings;target=your language's strings)

You might realise some strings has not the word "wonder" but instead others like "wonderful" of "wondering". Let's fix it.

Use the ′ ′(quotes) or ″ ″(double quotes), type "Wonder " (with the quotes and the extra space at the end) and search. Congratulation, you got rid of few hundreds of strings that would have waste your time, you can work more efficiently now.

You might also need to use the ( ) parenthesis.

Copy and paste, or type (within the simple quotes) ′Wonder AND NOT ("wonderful" OR "wondering") ′. Now search. You now have every strings containing "wonder" except the ones containing "wonderful" and/or "wondering". Good job !
Here I have introduced the key AND, the NOT, the OR and the parenthesis (). They will save you some great amount of time. Let's talk about them.


Here are the main keys and their description.

  • NOT : The NOT key removes unwanted string from your list. Write "NOT" and then the word you don't want to see in the list.

For example : searching ' NOT "wonder" ' lists the strings not containing "wonder". Searching ' wonder NOT "wondering" ' lists the strings containing "wonder" except the one containing "wondering".

  • AND : Place the AND key between two words. The listed strings will contain both words.
  • OR : Place the OR key between two words. The listed strings will contain at least one of them.
  • target and source : ' target:"word1" ' will list all strings from the target containing "word1". ' source:"word2" ' will list all strings from the source containing "word2".


Here is a list of important search you might want to look at. It will allow you to track down major and minor mistakes you want to get rid of.

Tags ; Braces

Surely the most important, check all the tags carefully to prevent major crashes of the game.
You can also replace ' {b} ' with ' {i} ' or any other tag.

  1. tag : Finds missing {b} tags when present in the source.

source:"{b}" AND NOT target:"{b}"

  1. tag : Idem with {/b} tags.

source:"{/b}" AND NOT target:"{/b}"