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Revision as of 17:47, 28 October 2019 by Casiope (talk | contribs) (Story)
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Gender Male
Hair color Black
Eye color Brown
Relatives Ronda (daughter)
Morning Police station
Afternoon Police station
Evening Police station

Earl is the chief officer at the police station, and the father of Ronda.


Earl is a middle‐aged black man with an obvious overweight. He has a balding head but sideburns joined by a mustache. His eyes are brown and his hair is black.

He is dressed in a traditional light‐blue shirt, size XXL, which sports his three‐golden‐stripes rank on the shoulder boards, and the SVPD insignia on the sides. The pants are navy‐blue in color. A black necktie held by a gold clip, a dark belt and golden cufflinks, are also part of his uniform.


Gluttony made man, his belly doesn’t stay empty for very long. He strives to be exemplary and is not the type to turn a blind eye to minor offences. Not lacking in humour, we cannot question his commitment to protect when he learns that the main character is his daughter’s schoolmate.


Earl has been promoted to the senior rank to the detriment of his colleague Harold, but he is still working with him and Yumi at the Summerville police station. He has been under pressure since an unusual amount of drugs began to flow in town.

He has a certain dissonance with Ronda in regard to waistline. He is an amateur of donuts more inclined to swallow pastries than to chase criminals; in fact, a DOH-nuts box is usually found within his reach.